Online Computer Safety Tips for Young Children by Norton

Attention, WingSwept would like to encourage readers to follow these online safety tips, which will hopefully reduce the risk of falling victim of cybercrime especially among children and families. Online Computer Safety Tips for Young Children by Norton:

Hot tip: Teach the youngest children never to share passwords, even with their best friend! We’re seeing account theft (a junior version of identity theft) happen to kindergartners.
Key Recommendations:

  • Limit approved Web sites and hours spent online.
  • Set high security settings with browsers, membership,and social networking sites.
  • Install and maintain Internet security software and parental controls.
  • Use parental controls to limit the Web sites your child can visit.
  • Monitor your child’s computer use and sit with them when they’re online
  • Talk about protecting private information (name, phone number,etc.) and never sharing passwords with friends.
  • Start having “The Talk” as part of your regular “Back to School” preparations


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