Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Business Network Security News: June 15th-31st, 2020

The pandemic hasn't slowed down cyber crime attacks - in fact, it's made them more prevalent than ever.  That's because businesses are more reliant on their networks than ever with so many of their employees working from home.  Here are some of the best articles on ...

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A Growing Concern: Data Theft

Many businesses have spent the last several months worried about their short- and long-term survival due to the economic shutdown.  After companies deal with the immediate needs of working remotely and revenue preservation, however, it’s a great time to address some...

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Remote Work Data Management

We’ve written before about the perils of data sprawl.  Even in normal times, no single person at most companies can list all of the places where sensitive company data lives.  Not only does this make it far more likely that your data will find its way into the wrong...

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How SaaS Bolsters Security

It would be an understatement to say the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model has become the dominant one in the software industry.  This model (where you pay monthly or yearly for software instead of buying the license outright) is now being used primarily or...

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Cybercriminals Getting Rich Off of COVID-19

The economic shutdown has led to millions of employees losing their jobs or receiving fewer working hours from their employers.  Employees who can do their jobs from home, however, are working more hours than they were before the shutdown. Unfortunately, that includes...

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Knowledge Management & Remote Work

If you don’t have great processes to gather and store important information across your entire company, remote workers are really going to hurt your bottom line.  Here’s how. One of your employees picks up a ringing phone (at home, of course; we’re still in the age of...

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Three Tools for Long-Term Remote Work

If you felt like you were totally unprepared for the transitions you had to make in the first days of the Coronavirus crisis, don’t feel bad; so was the rest of the world.  Hertz went bankrupt 12 days after the CEO described it as an exceptionally resilient company. ...

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Facebook Quizzes with Detrimental Consequences

Have you ever been browsing Facebook and seen a quiz encouraging you to answer seemingly innocuous personal questions? Some people also create threads on Facebook or Twitter asking people to answer these questions or quizzes “for fun”: “Who was your first-grade...

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