Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Fake Cybersecurity Training

If you received one of the “Nigerian Prince” scam emails in the earlier days of the internet, you may have been left wondering who exactly falls for those things.  The story was implausible and the grammar was terrible.  But the reality is that today’s scammers are...

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When Delaying Hardware Purchases Makes Sense

It’s been a year of uncertainty.  Nobody knows when schools will fully open.  Nobody knows when offices will open. Nobody knows when they’ll go to an arena, if there will be another stimulus, or who will be president in six months.  It’s natural in these situations...

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Three Ways Your “Secure” Cloud Can Leak Data

The safest way to survive in a big corporation is to always make the obvious choice.  If you’re tasked with buying tablets for a division, always buy the iPad.  If you choose iPads and they work poorly, nobody will give you too much grief for picking the obvious...

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Business Cybersecurity News: Early September, 2020

Since COVID-19 started, 20% of companies have already been hit with a cyberattack.  New types of attacks are hitting companies more quickly, avoiding detection from antivirus software.  And a recent phishing campaign uses your own website against you.  Here’s the...

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Permission for Access?  Who’s Asking?

Earlier in the smartphone days, they didn’t all come with a built-in ‘flashlight’ feature.  It was one of the easiest apps in the world to make – all it does is toggle your camera flash off and on – so it was quickly created by app developers and added to Google’s app...

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Business Cybersecurity News: Late August, 2020

A cybersecurity training company gets educated.  Most employees don't get cybersecurity education.  And over a hundred companies mined cryptocurrency for cybercriminals on their Amazon cloud servers .  Here's what's happening in cybersecurity in the last couple of...

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Securing New Technology

According to ADT, around 20% of homes in the US have a home security system.  Most of them probably value the system, even if half of them are trying to figure out how to get out of the long-term contract they signed. That 20% figure is about half as large as the 39%...

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A Growing Concern: Data Loss

There are plenty of statistics out there about disaster recovery.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) says 65% of businesses fail within two years of a disaster, while the Small Business Administration (SBA) says it’s 90%.  That’s a wide range, but it...

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Business Cybersecurity News: Early August, 2020

Cybercriminals are getting smarter about who they're targeting, how they're getting into networks, what they're threatening to do to businesses, and how much they're charging.   Meanwhile, employees are helping them into their employers' networks, even when they know...

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