Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Three Questions for Your Line-of-Business Software Provider

If you run a business, there’s a good chance that you are using a line-of-business (LOB) application - software built specifically for businesses in your industry to get things done.  If you’re in a big industry, it’s probably made by a billion-dollar software...

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How To Spot Fraudulent Emails

There are some very convincing fraudulent emails out there.  We’ve talked about several of them – the one that pretended to be a cybersecurity training update, the one that uses a real Microsoft login prompt, and one that uses Google Forms to copy your bank login page...

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Business Cybersecurity News: Early November, 2020

New data confirms that ransomware remains a major threat for small and mid-size businesses, and extortion was taken to a new level this month – here’s what’s happening in the cybersecurity world right now. Coveware Q3 2020 Report Details Ransomware Risks Ransomware...

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Beware of Fake Bank Account Login Pages

On the day of his assassination, Abraham Lincoln signed the act that created the Secret Service.  It wasn’t created to protect presidents, however.  It was created to combat counterfeiting – around one-third of all currency in the US was counterfeit in the 1860s. ...

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Culture Drives Remote Work Productivity

When COVID-19 hit in March, there was a lot of fast movement by IT teams to get employees working productively from home.  Most people felt like the following few weeks would be a very challenging time.  But then weeks out of the office started to look more like...

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Preparing Your Business for a Major Storm or Hurricane

Many businesses fail to prepare for major storms because they seem like a remote possibility until they’re right in front of you.  Hurricanes are the most common natural disasters in North Carolina, and if your business is in the line of one, it can have a big impact....

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What is Credential Stuffing, and Why Does It Matter?

Have you been in a situation where you didn’t have access to your password for a website or app and couldn’t remember it?  One of the most annoying things about this situation is when you guess incorrectly a few times and the account gets locked.  Depending on which...

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