Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Risks From Old Data

We've all saved seemingly useless items only to later appreciate their value. In contrast, persistently retaining irrelevant things has limited impact. This tendency often delays decluttering, except for reality TV-level hoarding. However, the business data landscape...

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What’s Even More Annoying Than a Legal Threat? 

This month's cybersecurity news includes ransomware masquerading as a cease-and-desist letter, a hacked password manager, and the Department of Justice trying to slow down the unbridled growth of cybercrime. Legal Threats are the Latest Malware Ruse Microsoft detailed...

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Am I At Risk If a Customer or Vendor’s Data Is Breached?

You may have read recently that federal officials are more worried than ever about the security of government contractors’ computer networks.  That's because government data and network security is at risk if contractors’ networks are breached. But why would your...

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What is a Zero Day Attack? How Do I Avoid One?

A few weeks ago, security experts revealed that a Chinese hacking group had compromised more than 30,000 US organizations since January by using a zero-day attack targeting on-site Exchange servers.  The hackers also left behind an access portal allowing them to visit...

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Password Policies Leading to Indecipherable Passwords?

Password policies are really important.  Depending on the software being breached, a simple eight-character password (with no capitals or symbols) can be cracked in less than a second. Time limits on passwords are even more important.  If you're using the same...

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