Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Double Extortion Attacks More Prevalent than Ever

Ransomware is still all over the place - attacks are up 62% globally and 158% in North America since 2019.  But ransomware-only attacks have mostly been replaced by more sophisticated – and ruthless – attacks. In a traditional ransomware attack, a cyber criminal finds...

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Ransomware News: Biggest Attack Ever

Ransomware News: Biggest Attack Ever

Ransomware News: Early July had several cybersecurity events with big impacts on small and mid-sized businesses. Here are three you that should know about. REvil’s Kaseya Attack Hits Thousands of Businesses Worldwide, US Will Respond The biggest news story this week...

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7 Types of Malware

The ever-changing IT environment has made it easier for malware to exist and thrive. In today's world, businesses and individuals alike are constantly bombarded with new threats, making it more important than ever to be aware of the latest malware trends. Types Of...

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Who Pays All of These Ransoms, Anyway?

Taking down corporate networks for cash is quickly becoming a dangerous career. Just last week, the FBI elevated ransomware to a threat level equivalent to terrorism.  While that might make some people think twice about joining a cybercrime ring like REvil or...

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The Triple Extortion Threat: New Phishing Technique

Hackers have come up with some convincing new phishing attacks aimed at businesses, and they’ve moved from double to triple extortion by targeting individuals named in leak data.  And just wait until you hear how long it takes them to target a vulnerability once it’s...

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What is a Supply Chain Malware Attack?

If you manage a service business, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about your supply chain.  But there’s one supply chain that every business needs to manage – data. Operations, sales, finance and HR departments all use different software to generate...

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