Cybersecurity & IT Insights

The Importance of Network Documentation

Imagine this scenario: a valuable member of your IT team leaves the company, taking their knowledge of the network with them. Without proper documentation, you have a black box, unsure of how to manage and maintain the network effectively. This can lead to chaos,...

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Phishing: The #1 Cyberattack

Phishing is a type of online scam where cybercriminals send fake emails, text messages, or phone calls that look like they're from legitimate sources like banks or government agencies. Their goal is to trick you into sharing personal information such as your...

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Data Backup: Myths vs. Reality

Does your organization have backups? Many may quickly respond with an affirmative response, but they may subscribe to myths about backups. Someone may say, "Back up their critical infrastructure, check that box, and move on." When choosing a backup solution, method,...

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3 IT Services Provider Red Flags

Selecting a managed IT services provider (MSP) is stressful, especially if you’re transitioning from a messy situation.  The last thing you need in your life is more IT problems, so it’s appealing to go with the MSP that’s most confident that your transition will be...

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Data Security & Tech Recycling

The rise of ransomware attacks targeting small and medium businesses has made data security a top priority for IT leaders. While there are many security products available to protect and detect threats, one simple but often overlooked mitigation tactic is proper tech...

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The Big Business of Ransomware

Ransomware has emerged as one of the most pervasive and costly challenges in the world of cybercrime. With major companies like Nvidia, Toyota, and SpiceJet falling prey to ransomware attacks, the threat has escalated to new heights. Even entire countries, like Costa...

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