Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Cloud Services Considerations

Clearly, moving applications and data to the cloud is popular right now.  You don’t have to look any further than cloud providers’ financial results: Microsoft reported that quarterly revenue from its Azure cloud was up 73% year over year.  Amazon’s annual run rate is...

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IT Services Provider Red Flags

Warren Buffet famously said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation, and five minutes to ruin it.  If that’s still true, most businesses don’t hang around long enough to earn a reputation. It doesn’t take quite 20 years anymore - tools such as online reviews have...

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Responding to a Cyberattack

Five years ago, cyberattacks were mostly targeted at large companies, where the huge payout was worth the effort.  This is no longer true; between 60 and 70 percent of small and mid-sized businesses face cyberattacks each year.  As ransomware becomes more pervasive...

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When To Scale Your IT Support

Most companies start out with zero IT support staff, if you exclude the person who has to stop what they’re doing and figure out what’s going on when technology stops working.  As the company grows, that person might track down a freelancer they can pay to come help...

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Company Data Access Requirements

Who has access to sensitive files on your network?  You’ve probably locked down sensitive files, such as HR and bookkeeping information, ensuring that only certain people can view them.  But how about corporate strategy documents?  Data about your clients? Your sales...

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Managed IT Service Provider Considerations

When it comes to business insurance, there are a number of factors to consider, such as coverage, deductibles, and compliance requirements. However, one thing you generally don't have to worry about is whether the insurance company is financially sound. This is...

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How Information Management Drives Sales Success

There are very few things that all businesses have to do in order to be successful.  One of those is to sell products or services.  No matter how good you or your product is, if you can’t convince the customer to buy it, your business won’t last long. There are plenty...

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Managing Your Business Through a Natural Disaster

As the looming threat of natural disasters, like Hurricane Florence, continues to stir anxiety and prompt precautionary measures among North Carolina residents, the impact on businesses cannot be understated. The resilience displayed during such trying times often...

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