Cybersecurity & IT Insights

Cybersecurity for Remote Work

Whether you call it teleworking or remote work or work from home, more businesses than ever before are having to turn to it during the COVID-19 crisis.  Unfortunately, many of those businesses were unprepared to make a quick transition to that way of work and are...

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Cybersecurity Implications of Google My Business

If you’ve ever searched on Google for a business, you’ve probably seen their business information show up to the right of the search results.  As an example, searching for WingSwept returns the box below. GMB, a platform used by Google to display business information...

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Average Ransomware Payment Doubles in 90 Days

Ransomware might not command the media attention it once did, but that’s not because it’s gotten any less dangerous or expensive.  While it’s old news to much of the media, every day it becomes big news to thousands of small business owners. The financial threat is...

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Windows 7 is End-of-Life. What Does That Mean?

It’s been all over the news this week that Windows 7 officially reached “end-of-life” on Tuesday.  Of course, that doesn’t mean your computer isn’t going to turn on today if you’re running Windows 7.  It also doesn’t mean that Microsoft stopped selling Windows 7 this...

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Business-Class Computers are Better Computers

Disposable Technology Is Expensive It seems like nothing is built to last anymore.  Incandescent bulbs, if you can get them, last around 1,500 hours.  But an incandescent light bulb built in the late 1890’s has been turned on for nearly every minute of the last 119...

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Who Provides IT Help to Businesses?

Who Provides IT Help to Businesses? If you have more than a handful of employees, the odds are good that you will have to turn to specialists to address your technology needs at some point.  Depending on how extensive your technology needs are, you’ll likely solve...

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Managed IT Services Packages – A Buyers Guide

Many businesses are lured in by the promise of a cheap "basic" managed IT services packages. These packages often sound like the perfect solution for businesses that don't need all the bells and whistles of a full-service contract. But what many businesses don't...

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A Quick Word About Your General Liability Insurance

Every business needs general liability insurance.  It’s affordable, and it protects you from losing your life’s work due to a single rare event.  Professional services companies also need professional liability (E&O) insurance for the same reasons. Neither of...

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