Are Your Files Being Held For Ransom?

In cybersecurity, people are considered the weakest link. If your employees use the internet, you face the threat of your network being infected by ransomware.

computer showing error / encryption message - Files Being Held For Ransom


Ransomware is malware that can infect your personal files and folders through your email.

It encrypts files and holds them for ransom until a specific amount of money is paid.
The threat of this will continue to rise because it’s a volume business. The cybercriminals are making millions from this malware by effectively running their schemes just like a business would. You need to be aware of what to look out for when checking your email.

What are some different types of ransomware?

– Cryptolocker – ransomware introduced in September 2013 that targets all versions of Windows. It encrypts certain files and only unlock the files if payment has been received.
– Petya – recently introduced and still targets Windows. But instead of encrypting files, it targets the master reboot record.

How do you know if the email you have been sent contains ransomware?

– Suspicious looking or abnormal behavior.
– Unrecognizable email sender.
– If UPS and FedEx sent you an email (they rarely send emails).>
– Email contains “payment declined” but doesn’t identify sending company.
– Random sender who sent you dropbox link.

What are some things that you or your business can do to prevent ransomware from effecting your network?

– Prevent spam email from reaching users.
– Train users not to open any attachments that they’re not expecting.
– Make sure that your multi-layer security has been setup correctly.
– Having a good data back up process.

If you want to learn more about how we help keep our clients ransomware free, please call us at 919-779-0954 or click here.

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